Learning AWS…

There are so many great resources to learn more about AWS solutions and offerings.

I thought this youtube video was an excellent introduction. It maps the traditional architecture to AWS. Check it out:

Here’s FB architecture with traditional terminology
Here’s FB on AWS

AWS has one of the best documentations out there, so for any questions, this is the most reliable resources to go to: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/index.html

This is also a great resource for frameworks and best practices:

AWS Well-Architected Framework

What are your favorite AWS resources for learning or practicing?

System Design & Architecture Considerations: Samples and Resources

AWS – Well Architected
Infrastructure as a Service (i.e. AWC EC2), Platform as a Service (i.e. AWS Lamda or GCP App Engine, Software as a Service (i.e. Google Email)
Resiliency Design Patterns (+Retry)
ACID Properties
SOLID Principles in Software Architecture

8 Software Engineering Principles (Including SOLID)

System Design Interview Preparation Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IVAWvgvvpViyvBw9NB0JBgWsrfYj11Nl/view

How to rock a systems design interview

System Design Interviewing

Scalability for Dummies

Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale

Think of CDN, Load Balancer, Multiple Servers, Cache, Multiple DBs or Sharding, Distributed

Scalable System Design Patterns

Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems

What is the best way to design a web site to be highly scalable?

How web works?


Non-Functional Requirements
Where we store the data?
SQL vs. NoSQL Comparison

Detailed SQL/NoSQL , CAP, ACID/BASE Discussion

CAP Theorem
SQL vs. Non-SQL


API Definition Sample
Load Balancer / OSI / Communication Protocol Layers


There is a variety of load balancing methods, which use different algorithms for different needs.

  • Least Connection Method — This method directs traffic to the server with the fewest active connections. This approach is quite useful when there are a large number of persistent client connections which are unevenly distributed between the servers.
  • Least Response Time Method — This algorithm directs traffic to the server with the fewest active connections and the lowest average response time.
  • Least Bandwidth Method – This method selects the server that is currently serving the least amount of traffic measured in megabits per second (Mbps).
  • Round Robin Method — This method cycles through a list of servers and sends each new request to the next server. When it reaches the end of the list, it starts over at the beginning. It is most useful when the servers are of equal specification and there are not many persistent connections.
  • Weighted Round Robin Method — The weighted round-robin scheduling is designed to better handle servers with different processing capacities. Each server is assigned a weight (an integer value that indicates the processing capacity). Servers with higher weights receive new connections before those with less weights and servers with higher weights get more connections than those with less weights.
  • IP Hash — Under this method, a hash of the IP address of the client is calculated to redirect the request to a server.

How to Identify Bottlenecks?

  • Performance Testing
    • Load Testing (Expected Load, how the system behaves, it’s scalable)
    • Stress Testing (Breaking Point; which components and resources memory, CPU, disk I/O)
    • SOAK Testing (Leaks in resources etc; i.e. memory)
    • Apache Jmeter can be used to generate large load
  • Health Monitoring
  • Metrics, Dashboards, Alerts that shows:
    • Latency (some kind of delay)
    • Traffic
    • Errors
    • Saturations
  • Auditing (Weak or Strong Auditing; Lamba system)
  • Play/Game dates

How to Fix Bottlenecks?

  • Optimise processes and increase output/products/services using the same resources (Vertical scaling)
  • Preparing before hand during non-peak hours (Pre processing / CRON job)
  • Keep backups and avoid single point failure (Replications / Master-Slave )
  • Hire more resources (Horizontal scaling)
  • Manage resources based on the business needs (7 pizza chef, 3 garlic bread) and separate duties, entities (Microservices)
  • Distributed Systems / Positioning. Have multiple DataCenters for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity (maybe even in different countries). This might also help with response time (depending on how the data is routed) + Fault Tolerance.
  • LoadBalancing can help to be more efficient with using the resources (Send the customer orders to Pizza Shop1 vs. Pizza Shop2; based on the order, location, wait time etc).
  • Decouple the system; separate out the concerns… Order Processing, Processing, Delivery etc.
  • Put Metrics in place (Reporting, Analytics, Auditing, Machine Learning)
  • Make sure the solution is Extensible
Basic Latency Reduction Techniques
Tolerating Faults vs. Tolerating Variablity
Latency Tolerating Techniques
Selective Replication

Jeff Dean: “Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services” Keynote

Back of the Envelope Calculation – The Numbers Everyone Should Know


Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes: https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs101/bits-gigabytes.html

System Design Interview Process – Summary
Data Flow Simulation – How many videos?
Technology Stack

System Design Samples

Dropbox Overview
Dropbox Detail
FB Messenger Overview
FB Messenger Detail
FB News Feed Overview
Instagram Overview
Instagram Detail
Pastebin Overview
Pastebin Detail
Short URL Overview
Short URL Detail
Ticket Master Overview
Twitter Overview
Twitter Detail
Twitter Search Overview
Twitter Search Detail
Youtube Overview
Youtube Detail
Web Crawler Overview
Web Crawler Detail
Uber Backend Overview


Stock Exchange (i.e. NASDAQ)
Stock Exchange – 2
UBER Detail
Yelp Overview
Facebook High Level Generic
FB High Level AWS

Introduction to AWS Services by AWS Training Center

Sports Score Update System
Varnish – To group similar requests
Hysterix – Circuit Breaker
Fast Cast
High Level – Notification Service
Temporary Storage / Database Considerations

System Design Interview – Notification System

Distributed Message Queue – Problem Statement
Functional & Non-Functional Requirements
High Level Architecture – Distributed Message Queue
Virtual IP and Load Balancer
FrontEnd Service


Request Validation

  • Required parameters are present
  • Data falss within an acceptable range


  • Authentication is the process of validating the identity of a user or a service
  • Authorization is the process of determining whether or not a specific actor is permitted to take action

TLS Termination

  • TLS is a protocol that aims to provide privacy and data integration
  • TLS termination refers to the process of decrypting request and passing on an unencrypted request to the back end service
  • SSL on the load balancer is expensive
  • Termination is usually handled by not a FrontEnd service itself but a separate TLS HTTP proxy that runs as a process on the same host

Server-side encryption

  • Messages are encrypted as soon as FrontEnd receives them
  • Messages are stored in encrypted form and FrontEnd decrypts messages only when they are sent back to a consumer


  • Cache stores copies of source data
  • It helps reduce load to backend services, increases overall system throughput and availability, decreases latency
  • Stores metadata information about the most actively used queues
  • Stores user identity information to save on calls to auth services

Rate limiting (Throttling)

  • Throttling is the process of limiting the number of requests you can submit to a given operation in a given amount of time
  • Throttling protects the web service from being overwhelmed with requests
  • Leaky bucket algorithm is one of the most famous

Request dispatching

  • Responsbile for all the activities associated with sending requests to backend services (client management, response handling, resource isolation, etc)
  • Bulkhead pattern helps to isolate elements of an application into pools so that if one fails, the others will continue function
  • Circuit Breaker pattern prevents an application from repeatedly trying to execute an operation that’s likely to fail

Request de-duplication

  • May occur when a response from a successful sendMessage request failed to reach a client
  • Lesser an issue for “at least once” delivery semantics, a bigger issue for “exactly once” and “at most once” delivery semantics
  • Caching is usually used to store previously seen request ids
MetaData Service – Sharding
BackEnd Service
Option A – Leader-Follower
Option B – Small Cluster of Independent Hosts
Comparison of Cluster Managers
Other Consideration for Distributed Message Queue

System Design Interview – Distributed Message Queue

Top K (Most Viewed Video) – High Level Architecture

Kafka – Messaging Terms
Kafka Terminology
Lambda Architecture

System Design Interview – Top K Problem

Designing a URL Shortening like Tiny URL: https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-the-system-design-interview/m2ygV4E81AR

Capacity Estimation and Constraints for Tiny URL #

Our system will be read-heavy. There will be lots of redirection requests compared to new URL shortenings. Let’s assume a 100:1 ratio between read and write.

Traffic estimates: Assuming, we will have 500M new URL shortenings per month, with 100:1 read/write ratio, we can expect 50B redirections during the same period: 100 * 500M => 50B

What would be Queries Per Second (QPS) for our system? New URLs shortenings per second: 500 million / (30 days * 24 hours * 3600 seconds) = ~200 URLs/s

Considering 100:1 read/write ratio, URLs redirections per second will be: 100 * 200 URLs/s = 20K/s

Storage estimates: Let’s assume we store every URL shortening request (and associated shortened link) for 5 years. Since we expect to have 500M new URLs every month, the total number of objects we expect to store will be 30 billion: 500 million * 5 years * 12 months = 30 billion

Let’s assume that each stored object will be approximately 500 bytes (just a ballpark estimate–we will dig into it later). We will need 15TB of total storage: 30 billion * 500 bytes = 15 TB https://js.educative.io/static/runjs/index.html?id=ULRhG

Bandwidth estimates: For write requests, since we expect 200 new URLs every second, total incoming data for our service will be 100KB per second: 200 * 500 bytes = 100 KB/s

For read requests, since every second we expect ~20K URLs redirections, total outgoing data for our service would be 10MB per second: 20K * 500 bytes = ~10 MB/s

Memory estimates: If we want to cache some of the hot URLs that are frequently accessed, how much memory will we need to store them? If we follow the 80-20 rule, meaning 20% of URLs generate 80% of traffic, we would like to cache these 20% hot URLs.

Since we have 20K requests per second, we will be getting 1.7 billion requests per day: 20K * 3600 seconds * 24 hours = ~1.7 billion

To cache 20% of these requests, we will need 170GB of memory. 0.2 * 1.7 billion * 500 bytes = ~170GB

One thing to note here is that since there will be many duplicate requests (of the same URL), our actual memory usage will be less than 170GB.

** High-level estimates:** Assuming 500 million new URLs per month and 100:1 read:write ratio, following is the summary of the high level estimates for our service:

New URLs200/s
URL redirections20K/s
Incoming data100KB/s
Outgoing data10MB/s
Storage for 5 years15TB
Memory for cache170GB
Youtube’s Daily Video Storage Estimate

Designing Instagram: https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-the-system-design-interview/m2yDVZnQ8lG

Data Size Estimation for Instagram #

Let’s estimate how much data will be going into each table and how much total storage we will need for 10 years.

User: Assuming each “int” and “dateTime” is four bytes, each row in the User’s table will be of 68 bytes: UserID (4 bytes) + Name (20 bytes) + Email (32 bytes) + DateOfBirth (4 bytes) + CreationDate (4 bytes) + LastLogin (4 bytes) = 68 bytes

If we have 500 million users, we will need 32GB of total storage. 500 million * 68 ~= 32GB

Photo: Each row in Photo’s table will be of 284 bytes: PhotoID (4 bytes) + UserID (4 bytes) + PhotoPath (256 bytes) + PhotoLatitude (4 bytes) + PhotoLongitude(4 bytes) + UserLatitude (4 bytes) + UserLongitude (4 bytes) + CreationDate (4 bytes) = 284 bytes

If 2M new photos get uploaded every day, we will need 0.5GB of storage for one day: 2M * 284 bytes ~= 0.5GB per day For 10 years we will need 1.88TB of storage.

UserFollow: Each row in the UserFollow table will consist of 8 bytes. If we have 500 million users and on average each user follows 500 users. We would need 1.82TB of storage for the UserFollow table: 500 million users * 500 followers * 8 bytes ~= 1.82TB

Total space required for all tables for 10 years will be 3.7TB: 32GB + 1.88TB + 1.82TB ~= 3.7TB


GCP-AWS Service comparisons

The following table provides a side-by-side comparison of the various services available on AWS and Google Cloud.

Service CategoryServiceAWSGoogle Cloud
ComputeIaaSAmazon Elastic Compute CloudCompute Engine
 PaaSAWS Elastic BeanstalkApp Engine
 FaaSAWS LambdaCloud Functions
ContainersCaaSAmazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, Amazon Elastic Container ServiceGoogle Kubernetes Engine
 Containers without infrastructureAWS FargateCloud Run
 Container registryAmazon Elastic Container RegistryContainer Registry
NetworkingVirtual networksAmazon Virtual Private CloudVirtual Private Cloud
 Load balancerElastic Load BalancerCloud Load Balancing
 Dedicated Interconnect connectionAWS Direct ConnectCloud Interconnect
 Domains and DNSAmazon Route 53Google Domains, Cloud DNS
 CDNAmazon CloudFrontCloud CDN
 DDoS firewallAWS Shield, AWS WAFGoogle Cloud Armor
StorageObject storageAmazon Simple Storage ServiceCloud Storage
 Block storageAmazon Elastic Block StorePersistent Disk
 Reduced-availability storageAmazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access, Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent AccessCloud Storage Nearline and Cloud Storage Coldline
 Archival storageAmazon GlacierCloud Storage Archive
 File storageAmazon Elastic File SystemFilestore
 In-memory data storeAmazon ElastiCache for RedisMemorystore
DatabaseRDBMSAmazon Relational Database Service, Amazon AuroraCloud SQLCloud Spanner
 Document data storageAmazon DocumentDBFirestore
 In-memory data storageAmazon ElastiCacheMemorystore
 NoSQL: Key-valueAmazon DynamoDBFirestore (document workloads), Cloud Bigtable (key/value workloads), Cloud Spanner (scale-out relational workloads)
 NoSQL: IndexedAmazon SimpleDBFirestore
 SQLAmazon AuroraCloud Spanner
Data analyticsData warehouseAmazon RedshiftBigQuery
 Query serviceAmazon AthenaBigQuery
 MessagingAmazon Simple Notification Service, Amazon Simple Queueing ServicePub/Sub
 Batch data processingAmazon Elastic MapReduce, AWS BatchDataprocDataflow
 Stream data processingAmazon KinesisDataflow
 Stream data ingestAmazon KinesisPub/Sub
 Workflow orchestrationAmazon Data Pipeline, AWS GlueCloud Composer
Management toolsDeploymentAWS CloudFormationCloud Deployment Manager
 Cost managementAWS BudgetsCost Management
OperationsMonitoringAmazon CloudWatchCloud Monitoring
 LoggingAmazon CloudWatch LogsCloud Logging
 Audit loggingAWS CloudTrailsCloud Audit Logs
 DebuggingAWS X-RayCloud Debugger
 Performance tracingAWS X-RayCloud Trace
Security & identityIAMAmazon Identity and Access ManagementIdentity and Access Management
 Secret managementAWS Secrets ManagerSecret Manager
 Encrypted keysAWS Key Management ServiceCloud Key Management Service
 Resource monitoringAWS ConfigCloud Asset Inventory
 Vulnerability scanningAmazon InspectorWeb Security Scanner
 Threat detectionAmazon GuardDutyEvent Threat Detection (beta)
 Microsoft Active DirectoryAWS Directory ServiceManaged Service for Microsoft Active Directory
Machine learningSpeechAmazon TranscribeSpeech-to-Text
 VisionAmazon RekognitionCloud Vision
 Natural Language ProcessingAmazon ComprehendCloud Natural Language API
 TranslationAmazon TranslateCloud Translation
 Conversational interfaceAmazon LexDialogflow Enterprise Edition
 Video intelligenceAmazon Rekognition VideoVideo Intelligence API
 Auto-generated modelsAmazon SageMaker AutopilotAutoML
 Fully managed MLAmazon SageMakerAI Platform
Internet of ThingsIoT servicesAmazon IoTCloud IoT

From <https://cloud.google.com/docs/compare/aws>

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture Comparison

Hadoop – MapReduce Phases
Hadoop – MapReduce Essentials
Characteristics of MapReduce
Steps for Building a MapReduce Program

MapReduce in Hadoop – by Simplilearn

Kubernetes – Multi-Port Services
Kubernetes – Headless
Kubernetes – Headless Services
Kubernetes – NodePort Services (Not Secure)
Kubernetes – Ingress & LoadBalancer
Ingress Controller
Youtube daily video storage requirements estimate


The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)

Enterprise Architecture – Zachman Framework

Google G2 Library & Hilbert Curve


Credits: Google Cloud, Grokking, System Design Interview, AWS Training Center, Simplilearn

Cloud Architecture Considerations.

What are some of the main areas to consider while building a cloud based solutions?

Areas to consider:

  • Business Case (Define Opportunities, Inefficiencies, Cost Metrics, “As is” vs “To Be”, ROI)
  • Applications & Application Interfaces/API Services
  • References
  • Devices (Connectivity and Management)
  • Architectures
  • End Points
  • Governance/Security (IAM, Encryption)
  • Data/Storage
  • Capacity
  • Processing
  • Speed/Performance/Response Time
  • Services / DevOps
  • Implementation Roadmap
  • Infrastructure Services
  • Prototype
  • QA/Testing Strategies/Automation
  • Technology Selection and Pilot
  • SDLC (including Cloud SDLC)
  • Catalogues and Frameworks
  • Analytics and Insights
  • Presentation and Business Connectivity
  • Expansions and Optimizations
  • Growth Models
  • Disaster Recovery

Watch out for:

  • Things get complex easily and quickly
  • Start with Logical Architecture and then move to Physical Technology
  • Consider necessary skills, tools and processes
  • Self Motivation and Innovation
  • Bringing Value vs Bringing “the coolest technology”
  • Architecture and Solution we build needs to be holistic (works for cloud, as well as on-premise/legacy)

In general the phases should follow as:

  • Logical Architecture
  • Physical Architecture
  • Technology and Tools
  • Testing and Deployment
  • Monitoring and Operations

Useful Tools, Resources & Links

Training / Resources

Project Management / PMO

Architecture & Security




Autonomous Vehicles


Misc Tools



