There are so many great resources to learn more about AWS solutions and offerings.
I thought this youtube video was an excellent introduction. It maps the traditional architecture to AWS. Check it out:
AWS has one of the best documentations out there, so for any questions, this is the most reliable resources to go to:
This is also a great resource for frameworks and best practices:
In the simplest of terms, API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In fact, each time you check the weather on your phone, use the Facebook app or send an instant message, you are using an API.
Every time you use one of these applications, the application on your phone is connecting to the Internet and sending data to a server. The server then retrieves that data, interprets it, performs the necessary actions and sends it back to your phone. The application then interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in a human, readable format.
What an API really does, however, is provide a layer of security. Because you are making succinct and explicit calls, your phone’s data is never fully exposed to the server, and likewise the server is never fully exposed to your phone. Instead, each communicates with small packets of data, sharing only that which is necessary—kind of like you ordering food from a drive-through window. You tell the server what you would like to eat, they tell you what they need in return and then, in the end, you get your meal.
Excerpt from “Undisturbed REST”
Type of APIs
Six Key Constraints to REST
True Client-Server Inter-dependencies
Stateless: States should be stored on the Client, not Server
Proper Management of Cache on the Client
Uniform Interface; in a single language, independent of the architectural back-end of either