Training / Resources
- Udemy
- Coursera
- Plurasight
- Github Learning
- Trailhead for Salesforce
- LinkedIn Learning
- APPEL NASA Training
- Great resource: System Design Concepts
Project Management / PMO
- Project Online
- MS Teams
- Asana
- Trello
- SmartSheet
- Github
- Slack
- Float (Resource Management)
- Airtable
- Gliffy
- Calendly
- Google Forms
- Prezi – Presentation
- Zapier
- LucidChart
- MindMapping
- Kahoot
- Greenshot (Screen Capture)
- Process & Workflow Management with
- Atlassian’s Team Playbook
- Atlassian – Project Management
- Atlassian – Agile Project Management
- Agile Metrics
- Strategic Planning – 8 Frameworks
- The Business Execs’ Guide to Tech
Architecture & Security
- Blog posts on Cloud Strategies
- Blog posts on APIs
- Lean Enterprise Architecture – Matthew Kern
- Integrating Architecture Tradeoff Analysis – ATAM & CBAM
- 12 Factor App
- OWASP (Software Security)
- OWASP Top 10
- Cyberframework
- IP Address Guide / CIDR
- What’s My IP Address?
- Kilobyte, Megabyte etc
- 8 Software Engineering Principles
- Atavision – Enterprice Automated Discovery
- Velostrata – For Migration to Cloud
- Great resource: System Design Concepts
- Architecture Lessons by Mark Richards
- Visualizing Software Architecture
- AWS Documents
- Well Architected
- Overview of AWS (Whitepapers)
- AWS Whitepapers
- AWS Quick Start
- AWS Overview
- Google Cloud Official Icons and Solution Architectures
- GCP Sketchnote
- Google Cloud – Developers CheatSheet
- Machine Learning in Scikit
- Algorithm cheat-sheet
- Google ML Notebook
- TensorFlow Tutorials
- TensorFlow ML in JS
- TensorFlow Playground
- ASR Overview: Presentation and Youtube Video
- Codelabs
- Google AI Solutions
- Google Cloud Tutorials
- Simplilearn
- Arduino Language Reference
- by Cassie Kozyrkov
Autonomous Vehicles
- Glossary of Connected and Automated Vehicle Terms
- Autonomous Vision Blog
- Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles:Problems, Datasets and State of the Art
- Learning Situational Driving
- Exploring Data Aggregation in Policy Learning for Vision-based Urban Autonomous Driving
- Think Autonomous Articles
- Andreas Geiger’s Youtube Channel
Misc Tools
- Bitly URL Shortener
- Have I Been Pwned
- Virus Total
- Down For Everyone or Just Me?
- Get Human – Customer Service
- Product Hunt
- IFTTT – Helps Your Apps and Devices Work Together
- Codepen
- CSS Zen Garden
- Mozilla Developer Network
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Element Reference
- HTML Attribute Reference
- Color Picker
- HTML Color Codes
- Automatic UI Color Palette Generator
- The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize
- Specificity Calculator
- Google Fonts
- Creative Commons
- Stunning Free Images – Pixabay
- Graphic Resources – Freepik
- Flaticon
- Dafont